From the recycling bin to the pipe on the worksite
Throughout the years, Soleno, a family business since 1977, has acquired a considerable expertise in the plastic transformation industry. Dealing with growing environmental concerns, Soleno has decided to invest in plastic recycling to maximise the usage of post-consumer waste materials in the making of its products.
Everywhere norms allow it, Soleno offers high density polyethylene products integrating recycled materials to create a high-performance product that is also respectful of the environment.

A model of circular economy for Quebec and Canada
With our 13 factories and distribution centers across Eastern Canada, we offer our sustainable products across 5 provinces. Each year, the equivalent of more than 150 million category 2 plastic containers from Quebec recycling bins are transformed to be used in the manufacture of our products.
Our supply comes partly from recycled material, residual plastics from our Waste Plastics Recovery plant and contaminated plastics from Soleno Plastiques VPC.
Thanks to these integrations, Soleno gives a second life to the plastics used every day by Quebecers and Canadians.
A circular model
A lasting engagement

Soleno is awarded the level 1 - COMMITMENT Ecoresponsible Certification
Soleno and all its divisions are awarded the Ecoresponsible Certification from the Sustainable Industries Council

1st developper of sustainable solutions for mastering storm water
Soleno confirms its vision for years to come.

Soleno is officially awarded the Ecoresponsible Certificate – Ecodesigned product
This program put in place by the Sustainable Industries Council, Eco Enterprise Quebec and RECYC-QUEBEC aims to acknowledge the advances towards ecoconception from businesses in the development of products or packaging, as well as their environmental attributes.

Assises québécoises de l’économie circulaire
Soleno is proud to have participated in the first edition of the Assises Québécoises de l’économie circulaire which took place on December 5th. Our contribution, a conference – Deploying circular economy across all business branches.

Soleno is awarded a Envirolys Gala prize
The Envirolys Gala’s objective is to highlight the private expertise of the green economy, the entrepreneurship and innovation from builders of the environmental services industry

Soleno becomes one of the most important recycled plastic users in Eastern Canada
Using the equivalent of more than 100 million post-consumer plastic #2 containers per year.

Inauguration of the innovation pole
The objective of Soleno’s innovation pole is to attract and unite multidisciplinary expertise to try and find sustainable solutions to solve the problem of recycling the residual plastic materials threatening the environment.

Soleno is awarded the 2nd level – Performance Ecoresponsible Certification
This level acknowledges the consolidation of management systems and dialogue mechanisms necessary to establish the foundation of a constant improvement culture in sustainable development by implementing an Ecoresponsible action plan, a progress report and a fluid communication between stakeholders.

Acquisition of Soleno Plastiques VPC
Soleno, leader in sustainable development of solutions for mastering storm water, takes another step forward in terms of circular economy with the acquisition of Plastiques VPC, a start-up company specialised in the valuation of contaminated plastics.

Opening of the Soleno Waste Plastic Recovery plant
Opening of the Soleno Waste Plastic Recovery Plant dedicated to the transformation of post-consumer plastic packaging into sustainable products.

Soleno launches its new corporate signature, Mastering Water Sustainably