News - Mega 3 – 250 microns, a recognized efficiency!

3 April 2019

Mega 3 – 250 microns, a recognized efficiency!

Torrential rains are more and more frequent and intense, because of climate change. They can be harmful to the existing drainage infrastructure, which have not been designed to quickly drain as much water. Many farmers are faced with recurrent overflow that threatens their crops. Fortunately, a solution is now at hand.

The most complete range of agricultural products on the market

Good agricultural underground drainage must promote gravitational drainage of the water present in agricultural lands and allow to control the height of groundwater. With three types of perforations and filter sheaths, Soleno offers the most complete range of agricultural products, allowing you to create the most effective combination, according to particle size analysis of your soil. The filter sheath plays a crucial role in preventing fine particles to migrate inside the perforated drainage pipe, which can cause drain obstruction problems.

To select the right drainage product, consult our online tool: THEPERFECTDRAIN.COM and create the perfect combination!

Mega 3: a drain unlike no other

With a perforation area 33% higher than a Type 3 drain, the Mega 3 drain can evacuate more water, faster. It also relies on the perforation whose dimension and number facilitate water capture and evacuation, while ensuring optimal rigidity of the drain.

The filter sheath plays a crucial role in preventing fine particles penetration inside the perforated drainage pipe that can cause obstruction issues to the drain. In addition to offering two sheaths filters, one with 100 micron holes and the other with 450 microns, Soleno is the only company to offer a 250 micron filter sleeve openings.

The 250 microns filter sheath: more efficient for filtration and permittivity

The filter sheath with 250 micron openings allows a better water flow than other products such as the 100 microns, which prevents silting in soil from very fine silt to very fine sand. Its resistance to breakage is greater, reducing the risk of tearing and ensuring that the product retains its properties. In addition, drain cleaning is much easier than with a 450-microns polyester sheath, which is often more difficult to clean due to silting.


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