News - Soleno sponsors the most ambitious photo project in the world

18 August 2016

Soleno sponsors the most ambitious photo project in the world

Soleno is proud to be one of the many sponsors of the ambitious Portraits d’une ville (Portrait of a city) photo project. Since late April, and until the end of August, on every weekend, the Portraits d’une ville caravan goes into every     St-Jean-sur-Richelieu neighbourhood to take between 60,000 and 80,000 portrait photographs of that city’s residents. These pictures will then be printed and archived for the next 200 years. The purpose of this great collective work, part of the 350th anniversary celebrations of the founding of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, is to bear witness of our past, while preserving our fleeting presence. The project also aims to earn a Guinness record for the largest number of portraits taken in the world !

Soleno sponsors the most ambitious photo project in the world