News - Flexible pipes coalition: Montreal’s openness to PVC pipes

11 August 2015

Flexible pipes coalition: Montreal’s openness to PVC pipes

The city of Montreal slowly opens itself to the use of PVC and other flexible pipes for its secondary water distribution networks, under certain conditions and constraints. The five majors PVC and Polyethylene manufacturers installed in Quebec formed the Flexible Pipes Manufacturers Coalition. Together, the five manufacturers employ more than 1 600 workers in Quebec. With Claude Labrecque, Vice president, Corporate Development at Soleno, as the spokesperson, the coalition aims to promote healthy competition among all products in the tenders. However, the opening of the city to polyethylene pipes is still nonexistent. To know more about the specific conditions, consult the following articles by Bruno Brisson, journalist, which appeared on August 10th in LaPresse and LaPresse+ (French only).

Article in the written LaPresse

Trop restrictif au goût des fabricants (Too restrictive for the manufacturers’ taste) – Bruno Bisson, La Presse +  August 10, 2015

Moins de fuites avec le PVC, selon plusieurs études (Less leakage with PVC, according to many researches)  – Bruno Bisson, La Presse +  August 10, 2015

La Ville craint les risques de rupture (The city fears the risks of ruptures)  – Bruno Bisson, La Presse +  August 10, 2015

Le PVC  à la commission Charbonneau (The PVC at the Charbonneau Commission)  – Bruno Bisson, La Presse +  August 10, 2015

Flexible pipes coalition: Montreal’s openness to PVC pipes