Universal Drainage Accessories
A complete range of injected drainage pipe accessories made with universal bell connections.
A complete range of injected drainage pipe accessories made with universal bell connections.
Because agricultural development is a hard job, Soleno has always worked to improve the performance of its agricultural solution. We keep improving our products, but above all, we want to make your in the fields a lot easier.
As a canadian industrial ecoleader, we are once again pushing the limit by offering you our brand new range of easy-to-install universal accessories.
Universal accessories easy to install
Manufactured using high-precision injection molding, our accessories deliver consistent quality and superior dimensional accuracy. Each piece is equipped with our universal bell connection, ensuring a perfect fit with all pipe types—whether from Soleno or other manufacturers.
Engineered with universal bell, our fittings offer enhanced rigidity for long-lasting performance, even in demanding conditions.
The universal internal bell design optimizes water flow, ensuring efficient drainage performance across your system.
With the widest selection of agricultural accessories on the market, Soleno makes it quick and easy to complete your installation—saving time without compromising quality.
Our complete range of improved accessories
Choosing green drains to cultivate your land also means growing the future. In 2025, Soleno is proud to partner with Canada’s Oustanding Young Farmers to grow the next generation.
For every foot of our new type 2 green drain sold, Soleno is donating $0.015/foot to the Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers program. Help us reach our goal of $60 000 to encourage the next generation of farmers.
Together, let’s grow the next generation of farmers, one foot at a time.
grow the next generation