

Flexible corrugated drain with smooth interior wall 25% more efficient that traditional corrugated drain*

Now certified to BNQ 3624-115.

Product now accredited WELL MADE HERE!


Our Recommandation

  • Type 1 SoliFlex Drain is recommended for water conveyance that requires no collecting.
  • Type 2 SoliFlex Drain is recommended when the results of the granulometric analysis clearly indicate a clay soil.
  • Type 3 SoliFlex Drain is recommended in presence of iron ochre or when it is installed with a clean stone backfill.
  • Type 3-250 microns SoliFlex Drain is recommended when the results of the granulometric analysis clearly indicates a soil rich in fine and medium sand.
  • We recommend keeping SOLIFLEX coils at a temperature of 5°C and above to facilitate unrolling, installation and avoid breakage.
RecommandationSeveral factors enter into the selection of the product to be used. Therefore Soleno recommends a granulometric analysis before undertaking a drainage project in order to choose the right pipe according to the type of soil.
*Calculated with a slope of 0.10%


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Advantage and Benefits

  • It fits perfectly with the Soleno standard range of drainage accessories with external connections, ensuring that the assembly will be high-performing and resistant.
  • Being a flexible HDPE pipe that’s lightweight and durable, it is easy to install and handle.
  • Its green-coloured interior wall distinguishes it from other standard corrugated drains and facilitates its inspection with a camera.
  • Its flexibility allows 90° turns with a tight radius of curvature.

Finaliste for the AQMAT 2017 Innovation Award! (french version only)

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