

Storm water treatment system using filtration

Particle size to be checked: from clay to medium silt (20 microns and more). Removes up to 80% of suspended solids and up to 40% of phosphorus.


Note: The Aqua-Filter is « General Use Level Designation (GULD) for Basic Treatment » certified by the Washington State Department of Ecology, and recognized by the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs of Québec. The Aqua-Filter is also accredited by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to achieve a minimum removal rate of 80% of MES.


Technical Documentation

Technical Documents

Advantages and Benefits

  • Specifically designed for every treatment rate.
  • Filtration media are available for each type of pollutant to be eliminated.
  • Withstands CSA CL-625, AASHTO H-25 and HS-25 loads.
  • Lightweight HDPE construction facilitates and speeds up installation.

More Information

Installation: easy installation without a crane, providing significant savings in project costs. Lift eyelets and handling cables provided.

Inspection and maintenance: inspection and maintenance are facilitated by access chimneys providing access to recovered sediments and filtration elements.



Vortex separation: uses hydrodynamics and gravity to recover suspended solids (TSS).

Pipe connections: our systems are custom designed with inlet and outlet diameters at different configuration angles, to fit site need. Inlet and outlet fittings are also available to facilitate connections.

Aqua-Filter® System: treatment train adapted to the specific needs of each project. An Aqua-Filter® always requires an Aqua-Swirl®.

Filter media: the filter media eliminates small suspended particles, nutrients, heavy metals and hydrocarbons. Various types of filtration media are available.

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